Saturday, June 25, 2011

Revolutionary, Reformist, Radical, or Anarchist?

I have heard a lot of talk about being a revolutionary. I have read numerous blog posts and articles about the need for reformation. I have read books on how to be radical in your faith…but it seems I always come back to these thoughts….
  • Are we kicking against the status quo because it is cool to kick against the status quo?
  • Are we trying to be hip or relevant to today’s culture?
  • Are we following an urging in the Holy Spirit?
  • Are we experiencing unrest in our personal faith because of a holy indignation?
  • Are we complaining about the state of today’s “churches” because we see something that needs to change, or simply because we don’t want to go to “church”?
  • Do we really want to see and effect change in the world…or do we just want to talk about it?

If the only reason we are fighting is simply for the sake of fighting…then we have become as the title to an old James Dean movie…a “Rebel Without a Cause”. 

If all we are doing is railing to rile…then we aren’t Revolutionary, Radical or even a Reformist….we are an Anarchist.

I have questioned myself time and time again about my disinterest and dissatisfaction in today’s church culture and have come to a few conclusions.

  • I am not simply trying to kick against the status quo…I really want to see lives changed into the image of Christ.
  • I am not trying to be hip, current or relevant…I really do believe that God wants His people to live in community with each other, to care for one another, to share with one another, to know one another, to passionately love one another.
  • I will endeavor to no longer complain about today’s church organizations…rather I will speak the truth about what God wants to do in, through and for His people.
  • I will talk about God’s grace and His mercy and His deep love for us.
  • I will continually tout the simplicity of the Gospel and tell people about the Good News that Jesus gave all for them, so that they might have life abundant. I will always tell of how that this thing called Christianity is really a simple faith, though not always easy to walk out, but well worth the struggle.

I have been called a rebel, a non-conformist, and a malcontent just to name a few. And to those that have called me those things I say…thank you very much! Having read about the apostles and Jesus himself…I think I am in good company.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Preying On Instead of Praying For?

This past Sunday I was sitting in my living room after getting home and flipped on the television. While scanning the channels I ran across one of my favorite speakers Dr. Ed Young on Daystar Network.

I had to get up and help my wife with something and upon returning to my spot in the living room, noticed that Dr. Ed was no longer on. Now there was this guy talking about how that God's special blessings will only be poured out for a very limited time...right now....and will not be poured out again this year. He then paused, as if for dramatic effect, and claimed that he had felt that someone out there had made a lot of money from a big sale or settlement and needed to sow that into this particular ministry to receive God's special blessing. And....that it was only a limited time offer to receive said special blessing because it wont come around again this year (emphasis mine).   Watch Video

In my opinion this is prime example of preying on people instead of praying for them. Building kingdoms unto themselves. Who are they really helping?

This irritates me beyond belief.

What is your opinion?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Next Great Outreach Program?

Could Pole Dancing for Jesus be the next great Outreach program for the local church?

Believe me.....some will try it.

Click here to read the full article.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So Glad.....

I am so glad that I serve a God that...cares for all my matter how small.

He cares what I am matter how trivial.

He loves me matter how many times I have failed Him.

Heavenly Father....I love you with all my is my desire to bring honor to you in everything I do.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What an Incredible Journey!

In late 2009, my beautiful wife told me that she wanted to go back to school. It had been a frustrating year for her after having been laid off in early 2009.

When she told me what she wanted to do and what it was going to cost, I couldn't think of any way that we would be able to afford it.

After we decided that the time to make the move was at hand, we committed to it. We took the plunge...stepped out in quasi-faith. I say quasi-faith because at the time I wasn't sure if it was faith or desperation for something different.

We plopped down the last of our money and hoped for the best.

As I sit here and recall everything that transpired, it is amazing to me how God's hand has been in everything. It hasn't been easy by any stretch of the imagination, but we have always made it through.

Now here we are, a year later, and only 5 more days left of school, and I couldn't be more proud of her.

She has been so strong and committed. At times unsure of herself, but still resilient to accomplish her goal.

What an incredible year. What an astounding testament to the goodness of our heavenly Father.

I cannot wait to see what He does next.

This is going to be a FANTASTIC year!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reimagining Church

Is it wrong to imagine church different?

Is it wrong to examine church as we know it and dare to think that it could/should be different?

Isn't it true that church is an organism and NOT an organization?

Why are most Christians frightened to examine the current situation of the church?

Sometimes it is exasperating.

I have been told that I have a problem submitting to authority.

I have been told that I am a trouble maker or that I am just being argumentative.

I have been told that I need to just suck it up and attend the status quo church and look past the programs and pretense.

I have tried. I want more. I feel God wants more from me.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Choosing to Live Life on Purpose

Raise your hands if you have never read Rick Warrens'  "The Purpose Driven Life".

If you are like me, you probably went through the church wide project known as "40 Days of Purpose" and read "The Purpose Driven Church".

It was supposed to help us realize that there is a purpose to this thing we like to call christian living. It was designed to help us know what our purpose as Christians really is.

A thought came to me just the other day....what if instead of always trying to find or remember what our purpose is in this life.....we choose to live our life on purpose?

What if  we took God at His word and purposefully did what He has asked for us to do? (He laid it out for us in His word)

What if we chose to reach out and love someone?

What if we chose to share His gospel with someone?

What if we chose to pray for someone?

Are you following me here? Or am I way off base?

It seems to me that God gave us free will. We can choose to do what ever we want. We can choose what we eat. We can choose what we wear. We can choose to follow Him or even choose to love Him or not.

A friend of mine pastors a church in the Houston area that I believe gets it. He has stated that "we are not a church with a mission, but a church on a mission." I like that.

We can spend our life searching for purpose, or live our life on purpose!

What is your opinion?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The PC vs. MAC Predicament!

So...I have been a die hard MAC backer for several years now. Since I was introduced to them when having to do video editing. The MAC G5 dual processor quickly became my favorite work horse. One very stout computer. PC's just couldn't keep up.

Alas....since that time, I no longer need the work horse. I no longer edit videos. Aside from the occasional web project, basically I just need a personal computer.

Since 2003 my personal computer has been a MAC Powerbook G4. It has been a great computer. But lately it has run into problems. The battery has died. The wireless quit working. And the second power cable has quit.

The need for a new computer was upon me. The decision of what to purchase was going to be a difficult one.

I struggled with the decision for a while. At first I thought about just patching my beloved G4. The cost of the needed repairs would be quite a bit of money. To the tune of a little more than a few hundred dollars.

I had to come to the realization that my beloved G4 was an antique. It could no longer be upgraded. All the new upgrades require the newest processor....mine has the old one.

The price of a new MAC was just crazy. The lowest price laptop was an astronomical $999. I know right? Crazy!

I even considered getting the iPad. Nice little item....but way too small to have to depend on as my everyday personal computer.

It was these realizations that caused me to do what I never thought I would ever do again.....I bought a PC.

We went to Best Buy and plopped down the mere $400. for a 15.6 inch screen 3 GB memory, 320 GB hard drive laptop.

So works great...looks great....feels ok. It is much lighter than my beloved ole aluminum case G4. The screen is much bigger than my MAC's 12 inch screen....and at half the price....can you say BARGAIN!

Maybe one of these days the MAC will become much more affordable than now. Until then...I will have to get used to using a PC again. Welcome to the real world I guess. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Choosing to Live Inside the Words in Red! Part 2

I want to live my life in the grace and mercy of my savior. Ever mindful of all He has done and what He has asked of me.

I'm not talking about working to earn salvation. We can never 'earn' our salvation, nor can we do anything that we could consider to make us 'worthy' of what He has done.

I am speaking of living a life worthy of the calling He has placed on each of our lives. I am talking about sharing the good news of the gospel and showing the world His love. I am referring to living a life in His freedom.

I want to live my life expectant of the miraculous. Completely and totally expectant and ready for His return.

"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will." Matthew 24:42-44

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Choosing to Live Inside the Words in Red!

At the beginning of every year we all make our New Year’s Resolutions, to which a huge majority of us never keep.

A few years ago, I resolved to never again make another resolution. I had grown weary of the let down from the inevitable realization that I once again, had failed to keep my life altering resolution.

I want this year to be different. I feel that it will be different. I enter into this year with great expectation. I enter into this new year choosing to believe for the miraculous, to achieve what I once thought impossible.

This year I am Choosing to Live Inside the Words in Red. I am choosing to live my life according to what Jesus said.

Beginning with; “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20