Saturday, October 23, 2010

Doers, Achievers, Survivors, Strugglers and Victims!

I have become increasingly convinced that there are 5 main categories of people in this life.

Doers do...they are always doing something...have to be moving, going, pushing.

Achievers are those that always have to be achieving their goals. They are akin to doers but achievers seem to have the uncanny knack of accomplishing whatever they set out to do, and they are successful in the doing.

Survivors are those that seem to always survive no matter what circumstance may come their way. No matter what calamity may befall them they always survive...although sometimes just barely.

Strugglers are those that are always struggling. No matter what they's a huge struggle. Life is a struggle. Their job is a struggle...everything is a struggle. Struggle, struggle, struggle. It seems a vicious cycle.

Victims are the ones that when anything is happening, it's happening to them, albeit maybe in their own minds. Nevertheless they are the victim in every circumstance. Even worse still, for most, it is never their fault. (or so they think)

We all know someone in at least 4 of these categories, and some actually coexist in more than one.

The question is, can we successfully translate ourselves from one category to the next? I would like to think so.

I believe that most of it comes down to what our state of mind is. If you have the mindset of a victim, you will always be a victim. If you have the mindset of an achiever, you can be an achiever.

More importantly, if we correctly put our lives in the hands of God and rely on the plans He has for our lives, I believe that we can translate over to being a Doer, and an Achiever. But only when we put on the mind of Christ and depend on His strength, His direction, and bend to His purpose. After all, only when we are in the will of God can we truly be successful.